Monday, April 21, 2008


Life is kind of strange right now... My girlfriend and I are taking a hiatus after I told her we both need to focus on school right now with finals and projects coming up in a hurry. She is taking it as I don't feel as strongly about her as she does for me. To be honest I'm hoping this little break will clear my head and my heart up so I can either be the serious boyfriend she wants me to be; and if I find I can't well that's just the way it goes. Regardless of if I can or can't this is for the best.


A. Sanchez said...

Interesting, now I understand her away messeges and the other Amanda's facebook comment. I wish you the best of luck. As for Meat, he transferred to a school done in Maryland and he says he's having a good time there.

Noelle said...

Wow, I didn't see this coming.
Good for you; clear your head. I hope it all works out.