Sunday, April 6, 2008

Romantic Comedy

Friday my girlfriend and I went to see "Leatherheads", starring George Clooney and John Krusinski (made popular by The Office). I'm not a huge fan of going to the movies but because I refused to go watch "Fool's Gold" due to the fact that Matthew McConaughy's bare torso would be burned into my retinas (I'm pretty sure that is strategically done for two reasons: 1.] to attract the female audience and 2.] to hide the fact that 95% of his movies plots are purely terrible){ &}. Anyway, Leatherheads was decent movie as far as romantic comedies go.

Overall, decent weekend- got to play with my puppy and lay around procrastinating two projects due Monday, which I was able to finish Sunday night.

Oh, and I listened to a 75 year old Polish guy play the accordian while my buddy played the guitar for over an hour and a half.... the last hour and fifteen were complete overkill.

1 comment:

Aardvark said...

ogres are like onions- they have layers.haha.